ACMS degrees are offered jointly by the departments of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics. Most courses required by the program are...Learn more

Quantitative reasoning, mathematical analysis, and computational methods are becoming ever more pervasive, both in industry and... Read More
The Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) program is a multidisciplinary Bachelor of Science degree program in the College of Arts and Sciences, offered jointly by the Departments of Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics and the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. It is designed for students interested in the application of mathematical and computational concepts and tools to problems in research or in the business world.
ACMS degrees are offered jointly by the departments of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics. Most courses required by the program are...Learn more
Courses are taught and scheduled by the contributing departments, please use the unit web sites to see when courses are offered. Questions about course scheduling...Learn more
Advising Email the Math & ACMS Advising Office If you have a simple to answer question or asking about any of...Learn more