This page provides information for international students, who are declared ACMS majors, interested in participating in Curricular Practical Training (CPT).

Students on F-1 visas should first review the UW ISS website regarding the CPT process. If you have questions about the process, you should refer these to your ISS adviser. Curricular Practical Training | International Student Services (

Important notes:
• The MATH/ACMS Advising Office will not review internships or job postings for CPT authorization before you have been offered the position. You should carefully evaluate your eligibility and the required criteria BEFORE you apply to opportunities.
• The ACMS Program does not make exceptions regarding eligibility requirements.  Applicants who do not meet the requirements will be denied.
• The CPT process will take approximately 3 weeks from when you submit the ACMS Program CPT request form to completion of the ISS process.  If applicable, ask your prospective employer to postpone your start date
• Once you have been offered a position and verbally or via email accept it, it is not best practice to say, "I changed my mind." You should be certain that you will take the position if the CPT is approved. The department will not review multiple CPT requests for the same time period.
• Do not fill out the UW ISS CPT request form until you receive approval from the ACMS Program.

Your curricular practical training needs to be integral to your major. Therefore, you must carefully read the criteria below and determine if your training matches the criteria listed. On the ACMS CPT request form, you will be asked to justify each criteria. 

Minimum requirements to be eligible for CPT request in ACMS:
• Be a declared ACMS major at the time you are requesting CPT.  For example, if you are admitted to the program during spring quarter, you will be a declared ACMS major effective summer (if registered) or autumn quarter.
• Complete MATH 207/307 (or AMATH 351), MATH 208/308, AMATH 352 and one of MATH 381 or AMATH 383 or STAT 390 (or DSS option MATH/STAT 394)
• Have made satisfactory progress in all quarters as an ACMS major (see Continuation Policy)
• Must be enrolled in the quarter of the opportunity or be enrolled the quarter immediately following in order to register for the required CPT program course credit.

Major and Content-Specific Criteria

Your curricular practical training needs to be integral to your major. Therefore, you must carefully read the specific criteria below and determine if your training matches the criteria listed. On the ACMS CPT request form, you will be asked to justify each criteria.

Major-Specific Criteria

  • Critical Thinking

  • Mathematical and computational modeling and problem solving

  • Communicating on multi-disciplinary teams

Content-Specific Criteria

  • Describe how your internship is relevant to the ACMS option you are enrolled in.

Employer Information

The ACMS CPT request form will require you to include the original job positing and a detailed training description from your employer. The description must be written on the company’s letterhead, be addressed to you, include a job title, provide a detailed job description (minimum a few sentences describing specific duties), the street address where employment will take place, number of hours you will work per week and the start and end dates of the CPT employment.

Your experience is important to us and we want to be sure that the opportunity is legitimate. If the company does not provide a detailed description of the opportunity, does not have a dedicated company website that is functional, or does not have a business address, it may not be a legitimate opportunity.

Depending on the timing of your internship, you will either complete assignments during your internship or in the quarter immediately following completion of the internship. If your CPT is approved, the ACMS program will enroll you in Math 397 as long as registration for that quarter is open.

If you have read and understand the information necessary to apply for CPT, proceed to the request form.


CPT Request steps

1. Review the above criteria, confirming you are eligible for CPT.

2. Receive an offer for an internship that is integral to your major.

3. Submit the ACMS Program's CPT form (link below).

4. Receive approval from the ACMS Department and be registered for MATH 397 during your CPT quarter.  Note if registration is not open for your CPT quarter, you must wait until your registration date to request being added to the course.

5. Submit your CPT request to ISS through MyISSS. 

6. Wait for process completion and next steps from UW ISS.

If you have read and understand the information necessary to apply for CPT, proceed to the request form.
