While the University has general regulations governing scholastic eligibility for continuation, the Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) Program has adopted additional requirements in order to make the best use of departmental resources and to provide reasonable assurance of academic success of our majors.

ACMS Majors who are considering dropping a major course, using the Current Quarter Drop process (replaces Annual Quarter Drop process), should carefully read the Continuation Policy. 

The following criteria and procedures will be applied to all undergraduate students majoring in ACMS for determining continuance in the major program. Students are encouraged to frequently review their academic progress and may seek advising from Mathematics Student Services at any time.

Criteria for ACMS Satisfactory Progress

  1. Students must take ACMS major required courses such that they are able to graduate within the limits dictated by the University's Satisfactory Progress Policy. At a minimum, students should be taking one ACMS class per quarter. Students are not required to take ACMS coursework during Summer quarters. Excessive course repeats, excessive course drops and excessive University withdrawals may demonstrate lack of satisfactory progress. 
  2. Students in the ACMS major are required to maintain a 2.5 GPA in all ACMS coursework.
  3. Students must earn a numerical grade of at least 2.0 in each ACMS course used toward a major requirement. Courses used to satisfy major requirements must be taken on a graded basis. Courses taken as satisfactory/not satisfactory cannot be used toward major requirements and thus violate this policy.


Review and Notification of Progress

The Math & ACMS Advising Office will review the progress of all majors each quarter. If a student’s performance fails to meet the standards outlined above in any quarter during their tenure as an ACMS major, the student may be placed on Academic Notification, followed by ACMS Warning, and finally Major Dismissal status for each subsequent quarter that they don't meet the policy criteria.

Academic Notification (formerly "Warning")

The first quarter a student does not meet the ACMS Satisfactory Progress criteria, the student will be notified by email and a registration hold will be placed on their account. The Academic Notification email is issued only one time. Students receiving an Academic Notification email from the Math & ACMS Advsiing Office must reply, acknowledging they received the email and understand the policy criteria, to have the registration hold removed.

Although it is not required, students are encouraged to meet with an adviser as soon as possible. This can prevent progressing toward probation and dismissal. Students are encouraged to discuss all circumstances leading to unsatisfactory progress, including extenuating circumstances and situations outside of academic life that may impact academic success. The adviser can recommend campus resources, help plan a manageable course load, examine pathways within the major for success, or discuss other majors at the University. 

ACMS Warning (formerly "Probation")

Students who are unable to successfully meet the ACMS Satisfactory Progress policy in a second, but not necessarily consecutive quarter, will be on "ACMS Warning" status and a registration hold will be placed on their account. Students will be sent an ACMS Warning email shortly after the quarter has ended and grades have been posted.

To remove the ACMS Warning registration hold, students will be required to submit the following (form and instructions will be provided in the ACMS Warning email):

  1. create a graduation plan
  2. complete and submit an online academic self-assessment form
  3. after the graduation plan has been approved, must schedule a meeting with a Math & ACMS adviser

Students can expect support during their appointment as outlined for the “Academic Notification” status. Students who do not meet with an advisor will not be able to register for future quarters.

Major Dismissal​ (formerly "Dismissal")

Students who do not to meet the ACMS Satisfactory Progress criteria in a third, but not necessarily consecutive quarter, will be on Major Dismissal status. Students will be sent an email and given instructions if they wish to appeal dismissal from the major. There will be a deadline for the appeal clearly stated on the letter. Students have only one opportunity to appeal the Major Dismissal status.

If the appeal is not approved or the student does not appeal before the stated deadline in the Major Dismissal email, they will be dropped from the ACMS Major. Non-double major/degree students will be assigned a premajor or extended premajor degree code. The ACMS Program retains the right to drop dismissed students from future ACMS courses where it is required to be a declared major to be enrolled.

If the appeal is approved, the student must make satisfactory progress as outlined in the approval notification. If they violate this policy in a quarter after their appeal, they will be dismissed from the ACMS Major a second time with no opportunity to appeal this final dismissal.

Removing an ACMS Satisfactory Progress Status

In some circumstances, a violation of this policy can be removed if the original grade in question is changed to a 2.0 or higher numerical grade or possibly if the course is dropped.  For more information and details, please speak with a Math & ACMS adviser.