
The Discrete Math and Algorithms track is focused on discrete mathematics with coursework at the intersection of mathematics and computer science. A student in this track should expect to have more computer science knowledge than a typical math major and more mathematics than the typical computer science major. Such a background will prepare them well for either an industry job or graduate school in various mathematical sciences that focus on discrete math including Operations Research, Computer Science, Computational Biology, Genome Sciences, Computational Chemistry, Industrial Engineering, Business, and Data Science. 

Learning Objectives

  1. Model a scientific question or an operational goal mathematically and identify appropriate algorithms and data structures that could be used to solve the problem.
  2. Analyze the expected complexity (resources required) to solve a problem given specific choices of algorithms and data structures.
  3. Identify appropriate software tools that would be useful for solving a specific problem.
  4. Have the foundational knowledge to go deeper into subjects that build on discrete mathematics both theoretically and practically. In particular, they will be well-prepared to go to graduate school in the mathematical sciences that intersect with discrete math.
  5. Identify areas where specific approaches to solving a problem can lead to an issue of social concern (e.g., diversity, inclusion, equity, fairness).

ACMS Program Core (28-29 credits)

Option Core (40-41 credits)

  • MATH 300**: (3) Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
  • CSE 373**: (4) Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSE 417**: (3) Algorithms and Computational Complexity

Take any 10 additional courses from the following list (30-31 credits)

  • Combinatorics/Combinatorial Optimization
    • MATH 461: (3) Combinatorial Theory I
    • MATH 462: (3) Combinatorial Theory II
    • MATH 407: (3) Linear Optimization
    • MATH 409: (3) Discrete Optimization
  • Linear Algebra/Modeling
    • MATH 381: (3) Discrete Mathematical Modeling
    • AMATH 383: (3) Introduction to Continuous Mathematical Modeling
    • MATH 318: (3) Advanced Linear Algebra Tools and Applications
  • Probability & Stochastic Modeling
    • MATH/STAT 394: (3) Probability I
    • MATH/STAT 395: (3) Probability II
    • MATH/STAT 396: (3) Finite Markov Chains and Monte-Carlo Methods
  • Computer Science
    • CSE 412: (3) Data Visualization
    • CSE 413: (3) Programming Languages
    • CSE 414: (4) Database Systems
    • CSE 415: (3) Artificial Intelligence

Electives (15 credits)

Any extra courses (after 10 courses taken) in the requirement above or the courses below can be used towards the elective requirement

  • MATH 327: (3) Introductory Real Analysis I
  • MATH 408: (3) Nonlinear Optimization
  • MATH 464: (3) Numerical Analysis I
  • MATH 465: (3) Numerical Analysis II
  • MATH/STAT 491: (3) Introduction to Stochastic processes I
  • MATH/STAT 492: (3) Introduction to Stochastic processes II
  • CSE 374: (3) Intermediate Programming Concepts and Tools
  • CSE 410: (3) Computer Systems
  • CSE 416: (4) Introduction to Machine Learning (Please email us at: if you take this course so we can add it to your DARS)

Courses with ** would indicate demonstrated interest in this degree option, if taken prior to applying to the ACMS program.


Any ACMS option, no doubles with the following programs: MATH, AMATH, CFRM, STAT, C SCI or CSE